_ What are the advantages of a multiple column grid?
Multiple column grids provide vertical guides to evenly divide the page and thus allowing designs to have even spacing if planned along the grid. They also help designs achieve consistency within spreads.
_ How many characters is optimal for a line length? words per line?
50=75 characters per line, or around 10-12 words. Lines that are too long are hard to read because it's hard to visually separate large blocks of text. Lines that are too short are hard to read because jumping line to line quickly makes reading more stressful and makes it easier to skip important words.
_ Why is the baseline grid used in design?
The baseline grid allows text to all align much like column grids do. It provides consistency with leading no matter where a text frame begins.
_ What are reasons to set type justified? ragged (unjustified)?
Justified text gives a clean look, but is not always the most natural to read. Justification causes hyphenated text, uneven spacing, and at times it causes characters to get squished. Justified text should never be used in narrow columns without close regulation because of the wide gaps between words. Ragged text is most natural to read and easiest to set. It also requires some regulation to avoid strong indents at the right edge, as well as rivers.
_ What is a typographic river?
Rivers are created when spaces between words line up vertically, creating a vertical path through the text. Sometimes unnoticeable, and sometimes this happens (which no one wants).
_ What does clothesline, hang-line or flow line mean?
Flowlines are horizontal lines or rules from which text can "hang." It divides the page and creates obvious beginnings or ends.
_ What is type color/texture mean?
Type color and texture refers not to the hue of the colors, but to the appearance of the text block as a whole. Depending on kerning, tracking, and leading, the text may appear more or less dense, heavy, or light.
_ How does x-height effect type color?
x-height affects type color by making text seem more dense because short x-height makes the letters seem thicker and more condensed.
_ What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?
New paragraphs can be indicated through indents, drop caps, small rules, spaces between paragraphs, etc. The biggest rule (apparently) is to never indent the first paragraph.
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